Welcome to 1st centenary lawyers office of Punjab High Court encompassing present day East Punjab, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh,Chandigarh and West Punjab in Pakistan
Justice is where Judges follow Law-KD Aggarwal. Powered by Blogger.
If Judgments were based on law, every lawyer will get same fees!-KD Aggarwal
Facts and Statute are Not Relevant. They are invented / concealed / amended by corrupt Judges - KD Aggarwal.
The matter and inference drawn are based on actual personal experiences of Author. They are meant to serve as beacon to those who may find themselves in similar situations to save themselves from clutches of unscrupulous persons. They are also meant to serve as an eye opener to those men who are sitting at Helm of Affairs for improvement of judicial system and corruption free India, so that never again one says; "the law court is not a cathedral (what they used to be) but a casino where so much depends on the throw of the dice (and money). K R Narayanan http://www.krnarayanan.in/html/speeches/others/jan28_00.htm
Transparency improves Accountability
Every Judge is Public Servant and thus accountable for his acts. Transparency of Complaints against Judges and instant stringent action for perjury and violation of their oath will improve Dignity of Courts and Justice delivery.
While performing its function, it’s the first
duty of the executive to know whether they are possessed with sufficient
information for a) performing the function, b) to measure the effect of such
function. It is commonly perceived by those who are in know of the things that
the executive lacks both the basic requirements as mentioned above. It was in
this background that sometime back I wrote to reserve bank of India about
certain inputs which are pari-material for lying the monetary policy. The
details are as under;-
Sh C Krishnan, Executive Director,August 5, 2010
Appellate Authority under RTI,
Reserve bank of India, Shahid Bhagat Singh
Fort, Mumbai – 400001.
Appeal under section 19 (1) of RTI.
Dear Sir,
Vide my letter Dt Nil I had asked following
information under RTI;
RBI decides to increase rates;-
1) How
many company / business declare bankruptcies?
2) How
many accounts are declared NPAs
3) How
many people loose employment?
4) How
many mortgages are foreclosed?
Department of economic analysis must analyze
the impact of increase of repo rates on employment/industrial production/ cost
increase of supply and cost to economy. RBI must have the above information
which is necessary to lay down policy?
its letter Dt July 8 2010, the CPIO merely sent me copies of quarterly review
monetary policy Dt 29.1.2010, 20.4.2010. Copy of his letter is enclosed.
information sought for is not at all given which should form basis for monetary
this appeal. You are requested to supply the following information;
After RBI decides to increase rates;-
1) How
many company / business declare bankruptcies?
2) How
many accounts are declared NPAs
3) How
many people loose employment?
4) How
many mortgages are foreclosed?
Department of economic analysis must analyze
the impact of increase of repo rates on employment/industrial production/
decrease in supply and cost to economy. RBI must have the above information
which is necessary to lay down monetary policy?
K D Aggarwal 1. The asker
is 2nd ranking economist on Yahoo India website; “in.answers.yahoo.com”
category social sciences sub category economics. Byline ‘Kaps’ email id; lovkap@yahoo.com.
2. It is
basic economic theory that prices(inflation) depends on demand and supply.
3. It is a
fact that higher interest rates leads to higher cost of production leading to
business becoming unviable resulting in higher unemployment, closure of supply
/ factories and foreclosure of mortgages & higher impetus to exports by
4. It is
also a fact that money supply/liquidity is controlled by managing reserve ratio
or by open market operations by RBI.
5. While
going through the quarterly review of monetary policy it was interesting to
read Para 4 under domestic economy “One, India is facing rising inflationary
pressure albeit largely due to supply
side factors” (Emphasis supplied), How do you increase supply by increasing
cost of funds ?
…. Need to encourage domestic consumption and investment demand.
since the Indian economy is supply-constrained, pick-up in demand could
exacerbate inflationary pressures.”
and Three are contradictory leading to confusion as pickup in demand should
have been offset by increase in supply side factors by reducing cost of funds
further rather cost of funds was increased leading to hyper inflation in
interest rate regime (whose impacts will be seen over a period of 6 months to
1.5 years) led to improvement in industrial production as was noticed in para 8
of monetary Policy statement of 2010-2011.
reduce inflation we need to increase supply. Supply side factors can be
improved by reducing cost of funds to industry. Any increase in repo rates will
exacerbate supply side factors.
CA K D Aggarwal
Sh C Krishnan, Executive Director, Reserve
bank of India vide his Order Dated 27.9.2010 dismissed the appeal saying that said information is not possessed by RBI following is the relevant Para of the Order;-
“4. I
have gone through the papers and also considered the contentions of the
appellant. While giving the original reply, the CPIO has given the relevant literature
on monetary policy and provided the appellant with copy each of monetary policy
statement 2010-11. Third quarter review of monetary policy 2009-10 and press
releases dated March 19, 2010, and July 2, 2010. It’s needed to be mentioned here
that the queries made by the appellant are not capable of eliciting any definite
information from the Reserve bank or for that matter, any public authority. A query
like the present couched in general terms and not confining to a particular
year does not satisfy RTI Act requirements. I therefore find no scope for
interference in the matter.”
Thereby admitting that the most relevant information
which should form the basis of any monetary policy is not even possessed by the
Reserve Bank what to say of it being considered.
CA Kapil Dev Aggarwal
Because our executive does not know the cause and effect of monetary policy So what we have is;
see here for 2nd part of this series; http://kapildevaggarwal.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-is-effect-of-increase-in-cost-push.html CA Kapil Dev Aggarwal
CA Kapil Dev Aggarwal, Advocate S/O Sh Raj Kumar Aggarwal 1923 advocate 1945-2016 S/O Mela Ram Aggarwal 1884 Advocate 1908-1961
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Let there be Light
There are those, no doubt, who may disagree with some observations that appear in this blog. That is quite all right with me. However, by all means let such a voice come forward suitably, not to disagree and not to disprove, but to improve! My only request is that the well known "smear technique," so frequently employed as an argument, be replaced with facts, not by smears that approach blackmail handed out by anyone, including vested interests.
I recall a meaningful observation - "It is better to light one small candle in a dark room than to live forever in the dark!" I hope this, my modest "candle," may burn brightly and be of some value to my fellow citizens. Then, the "dark" room may become a bit "lighter."
Kapil Dev is born educated in Chandigarh in government schools and college. Did law, professional Accountancy and Auditing. Practised as lawyer till age of 45. While associated with a secret society, he stumbled on truth about history. His research has led to this blog. Let the Truth be known to those who seek.