Sunday, December 1, 2019
administrative tribunal in each district
To, Date;
July 25, 2019
1. Sh
Monahar lal Khattar, Chief Minister of Haryana,
H No 1, Sector 3,
2. Sh
Baldev Raj Mahajan,
General Haryana.
Sub; Haryana Administrative
congratulate you on fulfillment of long pending demand of employees in
establishing Haryana Administrative tribunal. However experience reveals that
single tribunals in a state are not effective. For example AFTs have more than
16,000 pending cases. In my humble opinion, I suggest following state
amendments in Act/Rules.
1. Establishment
of one or more Tribunals in each district of Haryana depending on number of
2. Administrative
Tribunal should be headed by one person i.e. any retired Judge or an advocate
of Haryana having more than 10 years of service or practice as the case may
be. Preferably retired DJs/ADJs can be
considered for appointment.
3. Establishment
of one or more Haryana Administrative Appellate Tribunals over two or more of
Districts of Haryana depending on number of cases. It should be headed by one
person i.e. any retired High Court Judge or an advocate of Haryana having more
than 20 years of practice. The place of sitting of Administrative Appellate
Tribunal should be in the District having larger number of cases or any place
near to poor employees.
Ideally there should be established one
or more National Administrative Tribunals over two or more States of India for
which separate suggestion is being made to central Government.
In service to nation.
Aggarwal, Advocate.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Congi=Mughal rule
Japanese: I want to go to Nalanda. How do I
reach there?
Indian: You need to take a train to
Bakhtiyarpur in Bihar and then a cab from there.
Japanese: Why is the station’s name
Bakhtiyarpur? Who is Bakhtiyar?
Indian (perplexed): Bakhtiyarpur is named
after Bakhtiyar Khilji.
Japanese: Wasn’t he the same guy who burnt
down the original Nalanda University and killed thousands of monks who taught
and studied there?
Indian: Yes
Japanese: strange, You guys give so much
honor to mass murderers.
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
India development and BJP 2019 on course.
Why I am really upbeat about BJP chances in
UP after Kairana ByPoll defeat
A win is a win and a defeat is a defeat. But
I always say that in every victory are the seeds of defeat and in every defeat
the seeds of victory. When the BJP swept Uttar Pradesh in March 2017, I was
quite sombre indeed, seeing as how hard the arithmetic would get as
SP+BSP+Cong+RLD would form a Grand Alliance.
Today I am quite the opposite, really upbeat
seeing as how the BJP … believe it or not … is beginning to turn around the
‘impossible’ arithmetic of the Grand Alliance.
Let’s quickly run down the vote shares:
2018: BJP 46.5% United Opposition : 51.1%
2017: BJP 38.2% United Opposition : 57.2%
The BJP was up against an ‘impossible’ wall
to climb: a gap of 19% in vote shares. So how did the BJP do in this task?
The lead of 19% that the United Opposition
had over the BJP has shrunk to just 4.6%. This shows that mutual transfer of
votes between opposition parties has simply failed to take off on the ground in
Uttar Pradesh.
At this point you might be tempted to say:
Look, maybe the Opposition didn’t get as massive a lead as they expected. But a
4.6% lead is not small and is more than enough for a fairly big victory. Spread
out uniformly across Uttar Pradesh, it could be enough even to sweep the state.
Are you looking to claim a ‘moral victory’?
To that, I say: not at all. Because we have
not yet adjusted for the biggest factor while understanding bypolls.
The turnout.
Since these bypolls do not really play any
role in deciding the Central/State government, a substantial population would
stay at home. Only the most motivated voters would come out. So, how many
voters stayed back home in Kairana? Let’s find out.
In 2018, Kairana LS saw a voter turnout of
just 54%, which is a *huge* drop of 18% from the turnout in 2014.
And here are the turnout figures of 2017 for
the five assembly seats that make up the Kairana LS seat:
Constituency 2 – Nakur : 77.56%
Constituency 7 – Gangoh : 72.01%
Constituency 8 – Kairana : 69.57%
Constituency 9 – Thana Bhawan : 68.31%
Constituency 10 – Shamli : 65.48%
This is much more than the mere 54% turnout
recorded in Kairana bypoll.
No reasonable projection for the real
election in 2019 can be made without thinking about these “missing” 15% of
voters. The gap between BJP and the United Opposition was 4.6% in this bypoll.
It is not hard to imagine whose voters did
not come out for this bypoll. Could Muslims, who are highly motivated to strike
a blow against the BJP, possibly have stayed home, that too when they were
given the opportunity to elect Tabassum Begum to be the only Muslim
representing UP in this Lok Sabha?
Come on…
Will the United Opposition’s 4.6% margin
still hold when the remaining 15% come out of their homes to vote in 2019?
This seems highly doubtful.
Now let us consider the demographics of Kairana
Lok Sabha constituency. The Muslims account for around 35%, but accounting for
a higher turnout among them, it may be safely assumed that Muslims make up
around 40% of the votes counted today.
This means that roughly 60% of the vote came
from Hindus, of which 46.5% went to the BJP.
That is a staggering 77%. More than the
three-fourths of Hindus who voted chose the BJP.
This is really bad news for overeager anchors
who are desperate to write the BJP’s obituary. Forget alienating Dalits, Jats,
Jatavs … etc from the BJP, we have just witnessed a massively polarized, United
Hindu vote for the BJP in Western Uttar Pradesh.
The BJP’s performance among Hindu voters
across ALL sections of society today in Kairana now rivals the performance of
SP among Yadav voters and performance of Mayawati among Jatav voters!
If this level of Hindu unity repeats across
Uttar Pradesh, the United Opposition is in a world of trouble.
Especially as the opposition and its media
cheerleaders go into overdrive celebrating this bypoll win in Kairana. The only
thing they are likely to achieve is raising the level of Hindu consolidation in
favour of BJP.
Remember that it is already 77%. Every Hindu
family in Kairana today is smarting in anger at the defeat at the hands of
Tabassum Begum. Wonder how they will react to the celebrations of the United
One final comment. I am not trying to take
anything away from the Opposition, nor advocating for a ‘moral victory’. They
won fair and square and deserve to enjoy their win. I just want to illustrate
with an example.
Back when I was a little child, India would
lose almost every cricket match to Pakistan. And towards the end, I would begin
to cry. My father would then intervene maturely and say: “They played better.
They had better commitment. They deserved to win.”
I will say the same to BJP supporters today
who must be distraught. They had better commitment. They stood in lines in the
blistering heat without a morsel of food nor a drop of water. They deserved to
Courtesy Kaza Venkat
Sunday, September 1, 2019
Critical thinking is encouraged in Sikhism.

Humbly, please study the history of all 10 gurus, do some soul searching

We are rightfully the Hindu Sikhs; origin India

Parmeet K Randhawa
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Our Paternal Family ancestry in pictures
Here are a few pictures taken recently of our Paternal family Ancestry.
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Present day picture of our paternal haweli where my father was born |
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our family haveli before demolition looked similar to present day Thapar's haveli at few yards from our old haveli. |
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Monday, July 1, 2019
My maternal family ancestary in pictures
here are few pics taken recently of our Ludhiana ancestry.
kapil Dev Aggarwal
Family Temple Kuccha lala Rura mal, mali ganj Ludhiana |
entrance door of one of Mamaji House |
entrance door of one of Mamaji House |
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entrance door of another mamaji House |
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entrance door of another mamaji House |
entrance door of another mamaji House |
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portion of house still in family possession |
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Gau Shala got built by my Grandfather on land gifted by our family |
Gaushala built my Grandfather/s on land gifted by our family |
Shiv mandir built by my Grandfather/s on land gifted by our family |
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Gurudwara built on land belonging to our family earlier used as Gau ghat |
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Gurudwara built on land belonging to our family earlier used as Gau ghat |
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Gurudwara built on land belonging to our family earlier used as Gau ghat |
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Gau Shala built on land belonging and later gifted by our family |
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Gau Shala built on land belonging and later gifted by our family |
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Gau Shala built on land belonging and later gifted by our family |
area used by my grandfather to keep provisions for army/security given to my grandfather by Raja of Jind for security of Ludhiana then a village |
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area used by my grandfather to keep provisions for army/security given to my grandfather by Raja of Jind for security of Ludhiana then a village |
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sanatan Dharam Pracharak High School got built by my Grandfather on land gifted by our family |
sanatan Dharam Pracharak High School got built by my Grandfather on land gifted by our family |
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sanatan Dharam Pracharak High School got built by my Grandfather on land gifted by our family |
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Diet is more important than beauty
While the
whole of India has been looking up the cancer status of Sonali Bendre online, I
decided to look up all her health related interviews before 2017 and to my
surprise came across a dozen articles, videos and personal interviews of Sonali
in which she emphasized so much on her diet and exercise routine. Her food
would consist of a lot of almonds, walnuts, veggies, fruits, eggs and fish. She
avoided carbs of every form and sugars. She even told the media how much she
would like her husband to loose weight since Goldie was always a stout guy. So
far she was titled a ''yummy mummy'' by Bollywood and admired by all for her
fit looks and beauty despite being a mother of a 12 year old son.
Now after all this, shouldn't she be the last
person to suffer from a stage 4 cancer?? Not forgetting to mention that every
fruit, veggies, eggs or fishes of her pantry would come from organic markets
given how rich she was?? Weren't her fitness trainers and Dieticians highly
qualified and renowned names?
The truth is in the garb of impressing the
world by dying from inside and killing herself from not eating the food she
actually should have had, she compromised her immunity and her well being and
today sadly her beauty has faded with the same diet she thought she was glowing
with. Restraining from foods we love and consuming foods(which no doubt are
healthy) but makes us unhappy and we force ourselves to eat it because it is
good for health, makes us only sad and depressed and the prime reason behind it
is consuming these foods unhappily. No one feels happy to consume a bowl of
salad instead of a bowl of freshly prepared rice and chicken curry. We consume
negativity with those foods not realizing how much we damage ourselves from
within and in our minds. I lost my uncle too, to a rare form of cancer that was
traced to a certain vegetable he consumed. His wife undercooked every vegetable
presuming it was good for health. She gave her husband every healthy food under
the sun only to learn later that he was diagnosed with 2 different types of
Cancers in his late 50's.
I strongly feel we should eat about
everything in moderation and not deprive ourselves of something we like since
we eat it relishing it and with love and any food eaten with love will never
harm us. All we need to avoid is highly processed foods and outside food.
Exercise regularly and never go on fad diets compromising your immunity.
Thanking God for our lives, not doing evil unto others and being kind and
helpful to all around us only contribute more to our longevity. While we can
achieve a short term goal of loosing weight but we have lost our long term goal
of keeping ourselves alive. The greatest examples of people living a long life
without any ailments were my husband's grandparents whose grandfather died at
100 years and grandmother at 95 years of age. At 97 He would refuse to eat Pork
if he didn't see the fat pieces in it but yes he lived a whole century! And so
did my grandparents who ate everything and worked physically hard in farms and
did their own work instead of hitting the gyms or doing yogas.
I pray for Sonali to recover and be united
with her family soon.
Source Facebook.
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
बढ़ती उम्र
खुद को बढ़ती उम्र के साथ स्वीकारना
तनावमुक्त जीवन देता है।
हर उम्र एक अलग तरह की खूबसूरती लेकर
आती है, उसका आनंद लीजिये।
बाल रंगने हैं तो रंगिये,
वज़न कम रखना है तो रखिये,
मनचाहे कपड़े पहनने हैं, तो पहनिये।
बच्चों की तरह खिलखिलाइये,
अच्छा सोचिये,
अच्छा माहौल रखिये,
शीशे में दिखते हुए अपने अस्तित्व को
कोई भी क्रीम आपको गोरा नहीं बनाती,
कोई शैम्पू बाल झड़ने से नहीं रोकता,
कोई तेल बाल नहीं उगाता,
कोई साबुन आपको बच्चों जैसी स्किन नहीं
चाहे वो प्रॉक्टर गेम्बल हो या पतंजलि
.....सब सामान बेचने के लिए झूठ बोलते हैं।
ये सब कुदरती होता है।
उम्र बढ़ने पर त्वचा से लेकर बालों तक
में बदलाव आता है।
पुरानी मशीन को maintain
बढ़िया चला तो सकते हैं, पर उसे नई नहीं कर सकते।
ना किसी टूथपेस्ट में नमक होता है ना
किसी में नीम।
किसी क्रीम में केसर नहीं होती, क्योंकि 2 ग्राम केसर भी 500 रुपए से कम की
नहीं होती !
कोई बात नहीं अगर आपकी नाक मोटी है तो,
कोई बात नही आपकी आंखें छोटी हैं तो,
कोई बात नहीं अगर आप गोरे नही हैं
या आपके होंठों की shape
perfect नहीं
फिर भी हम सुंदर हैं,
अपनी सुंदरता को पहचानिये
दूसरों से कमेंट या वाहवाही लूटने के
लिए सुंदर दिखने से ज्यादा ज़रूरी है, अपनी सुंदरता को महसूस करना।
हर बच्चा सुंदर इसलिये दिखता है
क्योंकि वो छल कपट से परे मासूम होता है और बडे़ होने पर जब हम छल व कपट से जीवन
जीने लगते है तो वो मासूमियत खो देते हैं,
..फिर उस सुंदरता
को पैसे खर्च करके खरीदने का प्रयास करते हैं।
मन की खूबसूरती पर ध्यान दो।
पेट निकल गया तो कोई बात नहीं उसके लिए
शर्माना ज़रूरी नहीं ।
आपका शरीर आपकी उम्र के साथ बदलता है
तो वज़न भी उसी हिसाब से घटता-बढ़ता है, उसे समझिये।
सारा इंटरनेट और सोशल मीडिया तरह-तरह
के उपदेशों से भरा रहता है,
ये खाओ, वो मत खाओ
ठंडा खाओ , गर्म पीयो,
कपाल भाती करो,
सवेरे नीम्बू पीयो ,
रात को दूध पीयो,
ज़ोर से सांस लो, लंबी सांस लो
दाहिने से सोइये ,
बायें से उठिये,
हरी सब्जी खाओ,
दाल में प्रोटीन है,
दाल से क्रिएटिनिन बढ़ जाएगा।
अगर पूरे एक दिन सारे उपदेशों को पढ़ने
लगें तो पता चलेगा
ये ज़िन्दगी बेकार है, ना कुछ खाने को
बचेगा ना कुछ जीने को !!
आप डिप्रेस्ड हो जाएंगे।
ये सारा ऑर्गेनिक ,एलोवेरा, करेला, मेथी,पतंजलि ,कोलगेट में
फंसकर दिमाग का दही हो जाता है।
स्वस्थ होना तो दूर, स्ट्रेस हो जाता
अरे! अपन मरने के लिये जन्म लेते हैं,
कभी ना कभी तो मरना है ही, अभी तक बाज़ार
में अमृत बिकना शुरू नहीं हुआ।
बस, हर चीज़ सही
मात्रा में खाइये,
हर वो चीज़ थोड़ी-थोड़ी जो आपको अच्छी
लगती है।
भोजन का सम्बंध मन से होता है,
और मन अच्छे भोजन से ही खुश रहता है।
मन को मारकर खुश नहीं रहा जा सकता।
थोड़ा बहुत शारीरिक कार्य करते रहिये,
टहलने जाइये,
लाइट कसरत करिये
व्यस्त रहिये,
खुश रहिये ,
शरीर से ज्यादा मन को सुंदर रखिये।
life Naturally🌹😘
body is a gift of God.
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