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Justice is where Judges follow Law-KD Aggarwal. Powered by Blogger.

If Judgments were based on law, every lawyer will get same fees!-KD Aggarwal

Facts and Statute are Not Relevant. They are invented / concealed / amended by corrupt Judges - KD Aggarwal.

Let us make India Corruption free

The matter and inference drawn are based on actual personal experiences of Author. They are meant to serve as beacon to those who may find themselves in similar situations to save themselves from clutches of unscrupulous persons. They are also meant to serve as an eye opener to those men who are sitting at Helm of Affairs for improvement of judicial system and corruption free India, so that never again one says; "the law court is not a cathedral (what they used to be) but a casino where so much depends on the throw of the dice (and money). K R Narayanan

Transparency improves Accountability

Every Judge is Public Servant and thus accountable for his acts. Transparency of Complaints against Judges and instant stringent action for perjury and violation of their oath will improve Dignity of Courts and Justice delivery.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Education to poor - 1st step towards Freedom of India.

Recent Supreme Court order upholding right to education, a brain child of Kapil Sibal is probably the first big and bold step towards a free and vibrant India.

        In this nation there exists a huge gap between have and have-nots. While have - have it all be it better education facilities and thus better job opportunities and have-nots mostly have no education facilities at all and none at jobs. Hence while rich become richer poor have become poorer. Films like ‘Arakshan’ have laid bare the gap between education of Economically Weaker Sections of the society and the rich class. Reservations in jobs and promotions though may get more votes and thus help some make money but that does not make a better nation or a better tomorrow. For a nation to excel, its foremost duty is to provide equal opportunities to all starting with education and health.

 Education is a necessity. Our economic system depends from growth. "Growth" economically is defined by the increase of turnover of goods and services. Theoretically that either results from destruction (natural disaster, war) or from "replacement" of old ones. That "replacement" process is only possible by innovation. "Innovation" comes out of Research and development, R & D is depending from "education". Any economy not investing into education is shoveling its own grave.

It has been generally perceived that children belonging to rich families and who have studied in so called top public schools are better suited in civil services than those children who have not studied in public schools. A person born in a poor family is considered inferior to a boy who is born in a rich family.  A person may be born in a poor family but he may be more talented than a boy born in a rich family.  Experience has shown that talent is inbred in a child and has nothing to do with his social status.  A rich culture to which a boy has born does not give him inherent talent which is required for a nation.  Had a poor boy been educated in the similar circumstances as a rich boy would bring out the hidden talent of that poor boy.  The situation had come where talent and natural gift had not been taken in qualifying for a right to a higher education and only money counted. 

It is intolerable to think that year after year millions of our children who have higher natural gifts and talent have been deprived of higher education in the same institutes as the children of rich people, even though those children may not possess single vestige of inherent talent.  It is true that a man can be trained to a certain amount of mechanical dexterity just as a poodle can be taught incredible tricks by his clever master.  But such training does not bring the animal to use his intelligence to carry out those tricks.  Similarly, it is possible to teach men irrespective of talent or not talent to go through certain exercises but in all such cases the results are mere mechanical and inanimate as in the case of an animal.  It is possible to force a man of mediocre intelligence by means of intellectual drilling  to gain knowledge but that would not increase the intelligence of such person and his knowledge will remain sterile.  A man may be walking dictionary of knowledge but when time and circumstances warrant he may be found lacking in that intellectual analyze that situation demands to think promptly to take corrective decisions. 

Such people cannot be considered fit for service of the nation and this nation till date has been deprived the use of million of its children who have been born in the economically weaker section of the society.   It goes without saying that gifted and talented people are found in every sphere of life.  The talent must be brought out by enabling those children to be educated in the same schools and educational institutions whose door till date have been closed to them.  Here again the author would like point out that stock of knowledge packed into a brain will not suffice to make discoveries, but only that knowledge which is illuminated or guided by the natural talent of that child.    Here the author means that every child in whatever sphere of life, is not equally talented in all spheres of life.  Every child has a particular talent which can goad him to higher spheres of life. Thus it is the duty of the nation to give every child an automatic right to higher educational institutions which will then determine the talent of that child.    
This has been imperative necessity for thus alone it will be possible to develop the body of talented leaders/Govt. Servants/IAS Officers to serve the nation, unlike the robots that they have become today.  There is another reason why the higher social classes must intermingle with the people of so called lower social strata.  It has long been cut off from those people considering all along that those people are fit only for menial and manual labour thereby they themselves  live in seclusion from vast majority of the people of society.  It is the duty of this nation that talent of its citizens wherever it may be must be brought out so that the best people serve the nation.  And there is no strata of society who feel aloof from the welfare of the nation.  It is the duty of the nation to select the best people with talent and knowledge who can serve in civil services and train the best brains for those branches of public service for which they show a natural aptitude and placing them in such offices where they can do best and contribute there best for he good of the community.  But on this issue,  I will speak exhaustively in my next article.


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