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Justice is where Judges follow Law-KD Aggarwal. Powered by Blogger.

If Judgments were based on law, every lawyer will get same fees!-KD Aggarwal

Facts and Statute are Not Relevant. They are invented / concealed / amended by corrupt Judges - KD Aggarwal.

Let us make India Corruption free

The matter and inference drawn are based on actual personal experiences of Author. They are meant to serve as beacon to those who may find themselves in similar situations to save themselves from clutches of unscrupulous persons. They are also meant to serve as an eye opener to those men who are sitting at Helm of Affairs for improvement of judicial system and corruption free India, so that never again one says; "the law court is not a cathedral (what they used to be) but a casino where so much depends on the throw of the dice (and money). K R Narayanan

Transparency improves Accountability

Every Judge is Public Servant and thus accountable for his acts. Transparency of Complaints against Judges and instant stringent action for perjury and violation of their oath will improve Dignity of Courts and Justice delivery.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What democracy?

What democracy?
Democracy means majority rules but is there a democracy in our Country?
60-70% of people vote        
Average taken as 65%.
Winning candidate polls between 30% to 40%
rest are divided in other candidates.
Average taken as 35%
Winning candidate gets 35% of 65% votes
that is 22.75% of population

So the person representing your constituency has polled less than 25% of population and more people have voted in favor of other candidates than the number of people who voted in favor of winning candidate. Hence the candidate is representing a minority.

Less % of votes purchased on account of money power.

Is this is what it means by Democracy or majority rules?

Wolves and Lambs can never enjoy meeting of minds. 

In a democracy Cockroaches or Rats would be king as they outnumber everyone else.

What good is this democracy where people feel proud and want to called  "Backwards".

Kapil Dev Aggarwal.

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