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Justice is where Judges follow Law-KD Aggarwal. Powered by Blogger.

If Judgments were based on law, every lawyer will get same fees!-KD Aggarwal

Facts and Statute are Not Relevant. They are invented / concealed / amended by corrupt Judges - KD Aggarwal.

Let us make India Corruption free

The matter and inference drawn are based on actual personal experiences of Author. They are meant to serve as beacon to those who may find themselves in similar situations to save themselves from clutches of unscrupulous persons. They are also meant to serve as an eye opener to those men who are sitting at Helm of Affairs for improvement of judicial system and corruption free India, so that never again one says; "the law court is not a cathedral (what they used to be) but a casino where so much depends on the throw of the dice (and money). K R Narayanan

Transparency improves Accountability

Every Judge is Public Servant and thus accountable for his acts. Transparency of Complaints against Judges and instant stringent action for perjury and violation of their oath will improve Dignity of Courts and Justice delivery.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Adhaar Car must to end pilferage and theft of subsidy.

To,   Date; September 22, 2015

The Chief Justice and brother judge,
Supreme Court of India,
New Delhi.

Sub: Right to privacy is it a fundamental right ? What rights are ‘private’ ?

Bio-metric is necessary for obtaining Visa when one visits any western country, yet we do not holler privacy when we apply for Visa. Adhaar card has prevented theft of subsidy to large extent. If Bio-metric is one’s privacy then so is one’s face. If one is so concerned with biometric then one should not show one’s face also. Rather hiding face is more important since it can be copied unlike bio-metrics. Judges should also wear Burqa in court rooms. Judiciary already follows the Burqa system;-

1. Burqa Appointments : Selections and appointments of judges-in lower and higher courts remain under burqa. You keep on wondering how some judges who do not know basics of law or cannot even comprehend facts and precedents in plain English, managed to clear judicial exams and interviews.

2. Burqa Promotions: How judges get elevated to higher courts, despite dozens of serious complaints of corruption, incompetence and bias against them, remains under burqa. Because of burqa system one never know how particular judges and lawyers with dubious backgrounds are recommended and appointed by high courts and supreme court.

3. Burqa Proceedings : Judiciary does not allow court proceedings to be audio video recorded or broadcast live. Due to burqa proceedings, you cannot question why the court has shown you absent when you were present in court or how the arguments of public prosecutor have been recorded when he did not utter a word in court or how the court has written that adjournment granted on your request while you pleaded for early disposal of the case.

4. Burqa Judgments: Under burqa system, a judge gets away by writing anything in his judgment, however absurd or contradictory to facts or law it may be. You keep on wondering where the points raised by you in oral and written arguments have gone; why the court has skipped 99 points that were in your favour and decided the case by highlighting one small point against you. This is possible under burqa judgment system.

5. Burqa Grievance Redressal Mechanism : Well, under burqa system, you can make complaint against judges. But as ashes once thrown into the Ganges do not return, no response or action follows your complaint. You are free to use Right To Information Act, but they are also free to give any kind of reply like ‘Information cannot be provided as judiciary is exempt from providing such and such things’, ‘Your complaint has been seen and filed by the chief justice’, ‘you are advised to file appeal on judicial side’ etc.

If true face of judicial system can remain under Burqa, Why not their physical face. That too is their private thing.

For information and necessary action.
In service of nation,

KD Aggarwal

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