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Justice is where Judges follow Law-KD Aggarwal. Powered by Blogger.

If Judgments were based on law, every lawyer will get same fees!-KD Aggarwal

Facts and Statute are Not Relevant. They are invented / concealed / amended by corrupt Judges - KD Aggarwal.

Let us make India Corruption free

The matter and inference drawn are based on actual personal experiences of Author. They are meant to serve as beacon to those who may find themselves in similar situations to save themselves from clutches of unscrupulous persons. They are also meant to serve as an eye opener to those men who are sitting at Helm of Affairs for improvement of judicial system and corruption free India, so that never again one says; "the law court is not a cathedral (what they used to be) but a casino where so much depends on the throw of the dice (and money). K R Narayanan

Transparency improves Accountability

Every Judge is Public Servant and thus accountable for his acts. Transparency of Complaints against Judges and instant stringent action for perjury and violation of their oath will improve Dignity of Courts and Justice delivery.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

my quotes 2016 part a

My quotes on facebook 2016 part a

Rs 15.00 lac per person would have come in public account and not in personal account. Secondly earlier there was no law to bring back black money. Modi got it passed from parliament.

Communism is Jewish and they are inherently anti national. they have been expelled from 109 countries for treason till they took USA under a Masonic Jewish revolution and since then world has not seen peace.

Dollar reserves at Zionist owned Federal Reserve are at its highest. similar figures at federal reserve were seen in 1932-33 when Jews started accumulating money for their impending war with Germany. Now Crude is at its lowest in several years. means someone wants middle east to be financially weak. Does it indicate impending war between West and Middle East.;

Sensex and real estate traditionally attracts black money. because earlier it was fed by black/scam money. now modi has put brakes on black money.
After looking at what happened at JNU by Cong, commies and anti national forces. it seems Modi is lone wolf fighting for the country.

Indian Judiciary by the judges, of the Judges, for the Judges. No place for honest Citizens to go, enter at your own risk as to your previous good reputation and money.

finally one court affirms right to truth UN holds that detention of Julian Assange by UK as unlawful

कानून की जानकारी वाले वकील केस करने वाले होते हैं पर केस नहीं जीतते ! जज के साथ सेटिंग वाले वकील कानून नहीं जानते पर केस जीतते हैं !

while CPM/AAP/Cong/TMC are inviting pak artists to woo muslims as votes. indian artists are denied visa by Pakistan;
CPM/SFI need to give written assurances to courts govt that that these (lambs for slaughter read poor people who want tax payers money for their treatment will not be encouraged by SFI, CPM to kill these very tax payers, damage property and not to abuse public and govt/ BJP/Modi ji etc. etc.
first encourage rahul to support killings thousands of innocents humans beings, when he realised he had become a demon, he committed suicide. Then commies congis swooped to feed themselves votes on his dead body.
We must bring down walls of colonial mindset which differentiates between private schools and public (govt) schools. Walls of education system have come down. Education is free, books are free, food is free and Dresses are free. Public (govt) schools are prohibited from refusing admissions to any child within their area. We go to schools to study books not names of schools. Teachers are good and bad everywhere it is books and our own intellect that matters not name of school. Name of school is relevant only when one apply for being a servant /employee not when one wants to stand on their own feet.

Dalits/Muslims don't be just a vote.

1. Dalit is main stream they constitutes 80% of population of India.…/articlesh…/48958966.cms

2. Brahims or Banias, jains, rajputs jats khatris never exceed 4-5% anywhere in India. they are minority everywhere. you never find any brahim bania or rajput jat khatri as beggars.

3. Politicians won't woo them if Dalits were neither in majority nor castist.

4. there is not a single instance of untouchability done by these minority community against majority community of dalits. Had there been the SCST would have sent them to jail.

5. Dalit is by intellect not by caste. a dalit can be born in brahim family and brahim can be born in dalit family.

It is part of propaganda of corporates family parties Cong/ CPM/AAP to gain power and thus 10,000 crroes

Why pakistan needs an ambassador in India when they have so many of their brand ambassadors Burkha dutt, rajdeep serdesai ayub rana, sagarika ghose and Co

In India, Non Muslims and Non Dalits are second class citizens whose lives don’t matter. Dalits and Muslims vote on caste lines and not as humans or citizens. they allow themselves to be used, exploited and eaten by vultures for their votes and they thus remain just a vote.

Rohit Vemula was involved in #BeefFestival #KissOfLust #IStandWithYakubMemon.(mass killing of humans) was intolerant towards nationalism and fellow human beings. Are dalits new breed of Islamic terrorists. and when muslims kill dalits, then complete silence.

AAP/TMC/CPM/Cong/JDU/RJD etc are vultures who eat dead bodies of dalits to take out votes for themselves.

stock markets have traditionally attracted black money, the squeeze in black money plus hoarding of dollar has resulted in crash. good sign that black money is being controlled by Modi

we expect country's first secular govt to do away with casteism and communalism. to bring in uniform civil code and uniform education and do away with mentioning your caste and religion in all forms introduced by erstwhile communal Congi govt.

In India at every 10 KM there is self proclaimed god or baba or swami or guru or dera head where people throng to get peace and answer to their problems. No one is forcing them to go there. People who have not found health from hospitals, who have not found justice from courts, have not found answers to their problems go to religious places to find peace, health and wealth. And those who find peace, health, justice and wealth visit it and continue to visit it. anyone making fun of such self styled gods who gave them such wealth, health, justice and peace is danger to society. it is only sick people who make fun of those who give peace, health, wealth and justice.

Lawyers will have value when law has value. Law loses value when Judges decide cases on the basis of face value or kith and kin. for lawyers to have value, judges must give value to law.

It is evil to teach that others should work and pay you and your family. we want students be taught free, we want salary of teachers should be hiked. who would pay both these expenses. we don't talk of govt schools where both these things are being provided for ie 100% education is free and teachers are not on strike. we study books in schools not names of schools. i have studied in govt schools and I am better of. Where are 500 more schools and 200 more colleges that AAP govt promised?

have u seen any judgment since 1990s based on law? pick up any judgment my friend and weigh the names of advocates appearing for respective parties. the heavier name get the judgment in his favor no need to even read the judgment.

on NJAC; consultation means consultation not dictation or primacy. govt may consult the CJ but that's it. CJ cannot dictate govt under Constitution.. but then who will impeach the judges who violate constitution.

When will we stop voting religion? Buddhist Afghanistan became Talibanistic. Hindu Kashmir became a terrorists paradise. West Bengal and Assam are going through Trauma. Kerala is a source of worry. About UP, and Bihar the less said the better.

There are two camps in Pakistan. moderates and hardliners. hardliners attack when moderates move towards peace.

Every type of subsidy be withdrawn from persons whose family income is above 10.00 lacs.

For judiciary to be really free from corruption, nepotism and sycophancy, judges needs to be appointed by people independent of judiciary.

Indian courts are by the judges for the judges and of the judges. public, truth, law and justice are not relevant.

Judgment which is based on truth and law is always predictable.

Every developmental, pro poor and pro people project passes through 4 stages i) generating an idea (planning) ii) feasibility study (whether it will result in desired benefits to people. whether it can be accomplished, how it can be accomplished and what would be required for it to be accomplished including fund requirement etc) iii) sanction after review by experts and GOP, iv) execution stage.

Kapil Dev Aggarwal

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