Lies being told;
China is friend of Pakistan
Now the truth;
The black line shows the existing route by
which China imports its oil and red line shows the proposed route which passes
through Pakistan.
The proposed route in red line passes through
the following areas under pakistan

These areas include Gilgit Baltistan of
Kashmir, North-western frontier province, Balouchistan and Sindh all of which want to merge with India. The
areas of Gilgit Baltistan are legally India's, when King of Kashmir signed
instrument of accession in favor of India in 1947 but Nehru took the matter to
UN where it pending for Pakistn to withdraw its forces from POK to allow
plebiscite. These areas are facing insurgency want to merge with India due to
different ethnicity than 'Pakistanis' (Pakistan is mostly Punjab) ;-

These areas want to cede from Pakistan and merge with India;
Baluchistan's role: Why China and Pakistan got all
worked up when India raised Balochistan? Gwadar is in Balochistan. Much of CPEC
infra passes through Balochistan. The CPEC is China's hope at lifting its
sagging economy and securing its strategic position in the region. Its future
maybe depends on it. Karakoram- Hindukush- Pamir region since ancient times
been strategically sensitive. The Silk Road. China wants control of the new
Silk Road. If India were to take PoK we would squeeze the Karakoram Highway
shut. No more CPEC, Silk Road. China done for. That is the whole game. Highways
are primary military conduits rather than civilian. Whoever controls the
highway controls the region.
news is that Army generals and nawaz sharif have grabbed large tracts
of Gilgit Baltistan areas in pakistan occupied Kashmir and selling it to
Chinese companies and the Red Army. Land was procured by force by
Pakistani generals for the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and
those resisting are either killed off or incarcerated without a trial.
The safety of this route depends on PoK to be with China. China has sunk close to 50
BILLION Dollars in Pakistan. 20% of Pakistan's GDP is now Chinese. China has
Pakistan now firmly in their grip, and can now be China's 24th province. China
is not doing business with Pakistan. It is running its business in Pakistan. It
is running Pakistan. Pakistan is just a front. It is in China's interest to
keep Kashmir burning. If there is peace in the valley, India MIGHT set its eyes
on PoK. Chinese know that India has a strong Prime Minister today who can think
of that. China does not want India to even think of getting PoK back. China’s
economy is dependent upon its direct access to middle east oil trough Kashmir. Now
we know why China has repeatedly blocked India’s move at UN to ban Kashmiri
terrorists Masood Azhar.
One must not forget Pakistan is to India what Taiwan
is to China.
Kapil Dev Aggarwal
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